Posts filed under ‘Beauty’

Time limited for skin products

I have some friends really love to buy new skin products and cosmetics. Sometimes they just used it once or just tried it and left it somewhere.

This time will talk about how long you can keep those skin products and cosmetics.

For the lotion/ cream, if you once open it, you can use it within 6 months. For the unopened one, if it doesn’t mention on the box, keep/store at some dry and cool place for around 3-5 years since manufactory date.

For essence and mask, because the ingredients are so vary it’s better to ask the counters for the safe period once open and the right place for storage.

For the perfume, if your store it cool and dry place, you can keep it for 3 years if not open. Once you open, it’s better to use it within 1 year.

For the cosmetics stuff, it’ not only depend on what kinds of products. It’s directly related the cleanliness if instrument that you used. So frequent cleansing of make up kits, actually to help you to keep your cosmetics products stay in a better condition.

For the unopened foundation, it can store for 5 years since manufactory date. Those opened once, use it within 6 months.

For the loose powder, since it’s suppose to be dry, so you can keep it for a long period but make sure the puff or the brushes is cleaned in a regular basis.

The eye make up, especially the mascara, once you opened, it’s better to used it within 3 months. You don’t want to get infected swelling eyes because using the expired mascara.

The eye shadow can keep for ~6months once opened.

Some people always forget when the date that they first open up the things was. It’s nice to get some small labels and write down the open date or the expiry date on the bottle, so that can remind you the safe period for the products.

July 3, 2008 at 5:44 pm Leave a comment

Black Paper Mask

This is a new mask I try over my weekend. It’s the first time I used black paper mask. I didn’t know it’s black when I bought it caused I couldn’t read Japanese instructions. When I opened it, it surprised me. The mask was soaked with jelly like clear fluid. I always kept all my mask in the fridge, even in winter time, because it give the skin both cooling & tightening effect.

After I put the mask on my face and look at the mirror, it looked so funny. The paper mask is quite soft. The size and the cutting really fit my face. I put it on my face for ~20mins as instruction. I really feel my skin supple and brighter. I still can feel moist when I woke up in the morning.

I know this brand having so many different masks with different effects. I only know some of the effects from the Chinese words. I bought all of them and tried them all out. Beside this black one, the one with the creamy package is also nice to try. The scent of the creamy mask is from birch. The mask itself is so mild, not like other whitening mask that make your skin sting.






♥♥♥♥ (5♥=Full marks)


July 2, 2008 at 12:55 pm 3 comments

Brilliant Eyes Compact

It’s been a while for doing any review of the new products. This time is the brilliant eyes compact from Jill Stuart. The color I got is 03 Amber gazes; contain 4 colors, all with shimmery powders. The compact is a bit big in size but it doesn’t matter if you are not going to carry it around. The application sponges with a long handle which make it much easier to hold, and the sponge itself is quite soft. For the size of the sponge, the large size just right but for the smaller part just not fine enough.

For the colors is really natural, the shimmery effect is nice as daily use but need some extra shimmery powder if you want more shimmer effect.




♥♥♥♥ (5♥=Full marks)

June 27, 2008 at 10:58 am Leave a comment

IPL/Chemical peel?

Many people heard about these 2 kinds of treatment but, is it suitable for all kind of people?

The IPL is mean Intensed Pulsed Light. The pulses of light produced by IPL equipment are very short in duration, so discomfort and damage to non-target tissues is minor. Most people who undergo IPL epilation only experience slight irritation similar to that of a minor sunburn though under certain circumstances, blisters may occur. IPL technology is employed in the treatment of medical disorders of the skin including sun damage induced dyspigmentation and vascular changes; poikiloderma of Civatte; acne Rosacea; broken capillaries/telangiectases; vascular and pigmented birth marks. It can also use for hair removal. Pregnant women are not recommended to perform this kind of treatment.

Chemical peel is a treatment technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin using a chemical solution that causes the skin to have some chemical effect and eventually peel off. The regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. This treatment also can use to treat mild acne and minor acne scar. It can also aggrevate the removal of the dead skin. It can reduce the dullness of your skin and make your more even in the skin tone. Chemical peel usually use the AHA (Alpha hydroxy acid) or BHA(Beta hydroxy acid) as the main ingredient.

Before to thing about which treatment is benefit to your skin. You need to make sure you are not allergy to sun light or acid. The it’s better for you to find a dermatologist to choose the right treament and perform the treatment for you.

June 26, 2008 at 5:03 pm 2 comments

Need Vitamins??

Sometimes we are only focus on the products that apply on the face that having so many precious ingredients inside. Are U sure that all the ingredients that can absorb or benefit to your skin? I’m sure the things that you eat is much more benefit than the things you put on your skin.

How do you know what kind of nutritional supplement is right for you?
First you should decide if you need a supplement. If you can answer the following question with “yes”, you may not need one:
Do you almost always eat freshly prepared food with at least 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables a day? If not, ask yourself a few more questions: Is your life stressful? Do you get enough sleep? Do you smoke? Do you eat fast food? Do you live in a city where the air and water may be polluted? If you answered any of these questions with “yes” you probably need a supplement.

If you decided that you do need a supplement, try to find one that gives you the proper balance of vitamins and minerals.For example, you probably need between 400 and 800 IU (International Units) of vitamin E and between 1,000 and 1,500 mg of vitamin C a day. Vitamins E and C should always be taken together, so be sure a supplement has both. You also need alpha- and beta-carotene. Other necessary vitamins include the vitamins B12, and B6, niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), and thiamin (vitamin B1). Glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, Co-enzyme Q10, the bioflavonoids including anthocyanidins found in grape seeds, alpha lipoic acid, and several other antioxidants would be very good as well.



June 25, 2008 at 4:06 pm Leave a comment


It’s a very common skin problem since teenage. There are different severity vary from individual. Since the problem is mainly on the face, so it’s quite bothering even a small pimple.

Most of people might think the oil that causing the acne, and what they do is try to wash away all the oily feeling on their skin. But since the skin has some defense mechanism, if your skin lack of oil, the sebaceous gland will secret more oil to your skin. The right way to do is using mild soap less free cleanser and cold water to clean you face twice daily. Apply some hydration cream or lotion immediately after you pad dry your skin. Put the acne medication on top as instruction or physician prescription. Try to avoid using make up and not to touch it with your hand.

Many of people like to pinch the acne with pus. Remember you might get infection from doing this. Once your acne gets infection, it might have some acne scar in your face. The acne scar is like a small pit on your face and it’s very hard to treat.

I’m using a really nice acne treatment thing I find out myself. It’s a tea tree oil from Australia. I try a few brands before and this is really my favor. You can apply to the area that is in the early stage of develop acne. It will reduce the size and inflammation effect. When I go travel around, this is a must have item for me, not only for acne, even for some insects bit and small wound.

It’s only some hints for mild acne, if you are having severe one. You’ll better to find a dermatologist to help you. There’re so many different way and combination treatment for treating acne, find the right one and I’m sure you it can cure but you have to be very patient and comply to your treatment.


June 21, 2008 at 1:58 pm 3 comments

Good protector for your skin

Do you know with is SPF(Sun Protective Factor)? What is PA (Protection Grade of UVA)? Let’s give you some brief idea. SPF is to defense UVB and PA is for the UVA protection. For the sun block products, the PA is mainly use among the Asia especially in Japan.

There are 2 main type of the sun block, the chemical and physical barrier. For the chemical barrier, it contains some chemical substance that will form reaction when the UV rays enter the skin. The chemical substance will break down the UV particles. Some people will have allergy reaction for this. For the physical barrier, the main ingredient is Zinc oxide or Titanium oxide. Both of them act as a shield on top of your skin and reflect the UV rays. So no chemical reaction inside your skin that will cause allergy reaction. For kids, sensitive skin, after skin treatment like laser/peeling/IPL is recommend to use the physical barrier.

For the SPF, it’s an indicator that can resist the UVB ray for how long. 1 SPF =10mins. For example, SPF 30=300mins (6hours) of protection. Many people like to use some product with very high SPF >100, that really not good. The higher the SPF, the more the chemicals inside. So just choose that one that’s good enough for you

For the PA, the more the + is better. There are 3 grading, PA+, PA++, PA+++. The dermatologist is recommenced to use at least PA++ for Asian.

For the application of sun block, you have to apply it 30mins before you expose to the sun and should reapply it every 2 hours, or after lots of sweating or after swimming. As the ozone is getting thinner, it’s better for us to use the sun block as daily use. So choose your own sun block and use it when you are going for any outdoor activities or just simply walking under the SUN.

The UV index and the Sun exposure level:

0 – 2 


3 – 5 


6 – 7 


8 – 10 

Very High





June 12, 2008 at 1:30 pm 2 comments

Love to play under the SUN

Finally having a sunny day. I really don’t like rainy day, last week is terrible, the whole week was raining, even having black rainstorm warning signal. I hate the rain and mud that make my clothes with stains, so keep wearing the dark colors clothing for the whole week. Dark clothing with the cloudy sky, really bad mood week~!!

I love the walk, play and go hiking under the sunny day with the blue sky. But before I go out every day, I must put on the sunscreen. Since the skin cancer is getting more popular, this is the way to reduce some risk.

Everyone want their faces to look younger, the ultraviolet (UV) ray is the main element that made your skin look older. There are 3 kind of UV rays, most people might know the UVA and UVB, UVC is present but most of it couldn’t penetrate through the ozone layers. Do you know how did the UV ray been discover?? It’s not discovered by any scientist or doctor. It’s noticed by clerks who sit next to the window for the whole year. He noticed that his right arm which is close to the window, getting darker and start having some aged spots.  So he started to figure out what made the difference between the 2 hands. That’s how the UV ray was found out.

For myself, I’m using the skinceuticals sun block with SPF 20 daily. It’s very nice for sensitive skin because it’s having zinc oxide. The zinc oxide acts as a physical barrier to reflect the UV ray from your skin and won’t cause any reaction inside your skin. Just like putting on an invisible protective clothing, it can be use for kids too. Want to know how to choose a sun block that’s suitable for U, talk in details later~!!

June 10, 2008 at 12:40 pm 2 comments

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